Don't know if all these issues are related, or are different ones, but wanted to let you know about them since they've all occurred in my city while moving buildings. I will reload the program and I imagine my city will display correctly then, as it usually does. I purchased a new building and was in the process of moving it into storage, when my entire city disappeared! Even the new building wasn't visible, so I hope it's in storage now. Today, I encountered a new variation of the things I'd experienced before. Again, the only solution was to reload the program. Going back further but not lately, every once in awhile when moving buildings at max zoom level, the building would simply freeze with the red outline around it, and I would be unable to move it any further. I'm usually zoomed in at least one click and sometimes all the way in when this happens.Reloading the program appears to be the only solution for bringing it back. During the past couple of weeks, there have been several times I've been moving a building in my city to a different location, when all of a sudden the city disappears with the exception of the building I was in the process of moving.